(02) 8581 1145
Coaching Services
Coaching is a service people access when they feel that professional support in building a happier, more successful or satisfying life would benefit them. Anyone looking to extend themselves and reach their potential can benefit from coaching.
Our experience has seen our coaches work with individuals, teams, business owners, and workplace executives looking for assistance to grow and expand their capabilities.
Our coaches utilise strength-based coaching as a means to assist our clients. Our team will constructively challenge the beliefs and assumptions of our clients. This process assists clients in identifying the obstacles and challenges they face that prevent them from reaching their full potential and finding and sustaining a satisfying life.
Transformational Coaching Package – 6 month programme

Coaching sessions are conducted via:
Group sessions
Individual sessions
Coaching sessions are primarily delivered via an online platform eg ZOOM or in person.
All sessions are approximately 45 minutes in duration